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Serial Port Mscomm Rating: 4,8/5 3352votes

Apr 24, 2010 How do I use Mscomm to read from a serial port and post to a text file. Here the application: A phone system rs232 is connected to a printer. How do I use Mscomm to read from a serial port and post to a text file. Here the application: A phone system rs232 is connected to a printer.

I am trying to send some data to a LED display that works over serial port. This code does the job over VB6 but i needed to convert it to C#. Sadly it does not work. VB6 (Example) MSComm1.CommPort = 1 MSComm1.Settings = '9600,N,8,1' MSComm1.PortOpen = True MSComm1.Output = Chr(170) MSComm1. Mp3 Audio To Midi Converter (new).rar: Software Free Download. Output = Chr(2) C# (Example) var serialPort1 = new SerialPort('COM1', 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); serialPort1.Open(); serialPort1.Write(((char)170).ToString()); serialPort1.Write(((char)2).ToString()); serialPort1.Close(); I think the problem is about serialPort1.Write function but i could not figure it out. Can you help please?

Serial PortSerial Port Communication Program