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Results Compared to baseline, there were reductions in fasting glucose and insulin levels following the 30 day treatment (both p. Measurement Time Mean Std. Deviation Sig. Fasting Glucose (mg/dl) Baseline 98.0 10.1.018 Day 30 92.8 10.9 Insulin (μU/ml) Baseline 8.92 5.4.017 Day 30 6.68 3.3 Serum Cholesterol (mg/dl) Baseline 159.2 37.4.030 Day 30 141.8 28.3 Cholesterol Ratio Baseline 3.79 1.0.051 Day 30 3.42 0.9 VLDL (mg/dl) Baseline 26.2 13.5.111 Day 30 20.9 8.3 LDL (mg/dl) Baseline 90.1 29.1.051 Day 30 78.1 25.3 HDL (mg/dl) Baseline 42.9 8.4.953 Day 30 42.8 9.3 Triglycerides (mg/dl) Baseline 130.8 67.3.116 Day 30 104.2 41.6.

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Euterpe precatoria is a tall, slender-stemmed, pinnate-leaved palm native to edit image text pdf Central and South America and Trinidad and Tobago. Euterpe precatoria. Phytochemical and Nutrient Composition of the Freeze-Dried Amazonian Palm Berry. (Euterpe oleracea). (both PDF and HTML). Euterpe badiocarpa Barb. Euterpe oleracea and Ptychosperma macarthurii are also.

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Euterpe oleracea, Euterpe badiocarpa. Singh VJ, et al. Effects of acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.). PDF files require a viewer such as the free Adobe Reader.

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2006, 54: 1222-1229. • Lichtenthaler R, Rodrigues RB, Maia JG, Papagiannopoulos M, Fabricius H, Marx F: Total oxidant scavenging capacities of Euterpe oleracea Mart.