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Mugen Character Haruhi Rating: 4,2/5 5611votes
Mugen Archive CharactersHaruhi Suzumiya Cast

Yuki Nagato: 1st: / / 2nd: / 3rd: / Kyon: 1st: / 2nd: Itsuki Koizumi: Ryoko Asakura: 1st: / 2nd: Tsuruya-san: Taniguchi: Kyonko: Churuya-chan: STAGE SELECT HARU☆KAKU Haru☆Kaku: Haruhi's Stage by Haru ☆Kaku: Ryoko's Stage by Haru ☆Kaku: Mikuru's Stage by Haru ☆Kaku: Tsuruya's Stage by Haru ☆Kaku: Yuki's Stage by Custom / Edited Ruit Accidens Orbitalis by  Haruhi's Room by  School Gate by Caramell Dansen Haruhi by ADD-ONS by Kojjang [Winmugen+ / 320x240] There's a SOS Brigade Lifebars floating somewhere in the net, need help finding that.

For those that aren't very fond of her: My apologies for causing the MUGEN Screenshot thread yesterday to become more concerned with her than anything else. I did run around fixing a lot of the stuff that my beta-testers pointed out, but I know I probably missed something here or there. Here's to hoping.

Main » Files » ANIME » The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya [ Add character or stage]. Of Haruhi Suzumiya Added by: Celus Tags: Haruhi Suzumiya Anime Mugen Char. Mar 11, 2017 The Wayback link to Choyier's 1.0 Haruhi is down Ry. [ MUGEN DISTRICT ] [ COLLECTIONS ] [ CHARACTERS ] The Melancholy Of Haruhi. The Wayback link to Choyier's 1.0 Haruhi is down Ry. [ MUGEN DISTRICT ] [ COLLECTIONS ] [ CHARACTERS ] The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Theme. Izotope Alloy Mac.

Also, this character is my first REAL attempt at writing AI. It turned out pretty nicely IMO--as I said to my beta testers, Haruhi managed an even fight with Vans' Iori half of the time. This is something that I would like (hell, I should just say need) real feedback on, because while I know it's not BROKEN, I don't know if it's good. Anyway, for those that are curious, here's what's next: *Ryoko Asakura and maybe Mikuru Asahina (while they're all part of the original request that got me started on the Haruhi characters Choiyer has made, I've been thinking about more original conversions to flesh out my library of creations. I've done a lot of edit characters recently, and it feels like I'm losing my original creative edge just a smidge). *AI updates for my characters once I'm sure that I've got a decent understanding of how it works or *AI updates for Project Lensman, which would probably take a while but would probably get more people to PLAY the damn thing.

*The destruction of the default hitsparks for all of my characters that use them. Either I get CFJ sparks or steal some from POTS, but they will be done. (On this subject, does anyone know how to get the default sparknos at the top of a CNS to work? I tried it once before but it just wouldn't take and it drove me nucking futs.) And in other news: *Sent Rina-chan an email about the Kyko thing.

Not stressing it too much right now, though. But enough of all that. Head on over to to get Haru-chan. And for god's sake, feed me feedback so that I can go for AWESOME! Yay Haruhi, time to download. Edit: The AI does need updates indeed, and a lot. Looking into the files I see about 80% of attacks don't have any AI coded into them and work only from mugen's automatic random keypresses.

Goldwave License Key on this page. Also, the AI guards way too much on easy levels. Other stuff worthy of notice: 1. The guarded damage of the balls is too much 2. Some Clsns of attacks seem oversized. For example z button kick (state 220) hits even though Haruhi's feet isn't anywhere close to my character.