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Strike Fighters 2 Israel Rating: 4,8/5 8243votes

Strike Fighters 2 is a PC game. Expansion Pack 1 (for Strike Fighters 2: Israel) was released in June 2010 adding the Suez Crisis and Expansion Pack 2.

Strike Fighters 2 Mods

I would like to recommend this get added to the KB (unless it's already there and I missed it). I've seen a lot of posts here and at other sites lately asking about this. In Strike Fighters Project 1 and the other “1 st Gen” games in the TW series (Wings Over Vietnam, Wings Over Europe, Wings Over Israel), any mods or addons were dropped into their respective folders in the game’s main install directory. That is no longer the case with the “2 nd Gen” games (Strike Fighters 2, SF2V, SF2E, and SF2I). Any mods or addons you download for the 2 nd Gen games will most likely include a reference to a “mod” folder somewhere in the readme, where the user is supposed to put the downloaded files.

However, there is no folder (nor should one be created) called “Mods”. The following is to help you understand what the “mod folder” is really referring to.

When a 2 nd Gen game is first installed, the game needs to be run at least once so that the game can create the “mod folder”. After the first time you run the game, a set of directories will be created in one of two locations, depending on whether you’re running XP or Vista/Win7.

In this second attempt at a “Dead Is Dead” campaign in Strike Fighters 2, we once again visit a hotspot of the Middle East For this campaign we are going to give the Strike Fighters 2 War for Israel “Club Med” theater a whirl flying the awesome USMC AV-8B Harrier. While not as fancy as some of the other aircraft you can fly in the campaign, the Harrier has that certain challenge that appeals to me. You’ll find some notes at the end of the article on where you can find the War for Israel campaign as well as some links. The campaign map is extensive with a basic premise that stands up to reason – Israel is surrounded, their neighbors are angry, and war ensues. You probably don’t need to be Tom Clancy to build some plausibility into that scenario.

Playing the campaign using the “Dead Is Dead” rules, I create a new pilot with fresh statistics. That guy may be a rookie.but damn he’s handsome! Our Harrier squadron will be based offshore in the Med as part of the Marine Amphibious Group 1. On our first mission we draw a strike on Tsaikal Airbase in Syria with fuel tanks as our intended target. A look at the planning map shows the disposition of forces, with Russian task forces bracketing our route to the east.

A crap ton of other aircraft will be operating from bases in Israel and adjacent Carrier Task Forces, so the skies will be busy. Our two-ship flight will carry Sidewinder missiles, and bombs I’ve never used before – 1000 lb. Mk 10 retarded bombs. I don’t know if that is in any way historically accurate, but I don’t really care – I’m just out to make things go BOOM with Strike Fighters 2! With the mission planning done, we head to the deck and a minute later we are off the deck using about 45° of vectored thrust and climbing away into Stary’s beautiful SARCASM 2.0 skies.

As we climb out to the east the fleet maneuvers below. It only takes a brief second for the piper to cross the target and I mash the release button sending both of my bombs off the racks toward the target. And what beautiful bombs they are! Nearly as soon as the second bomb leaves the rack I reef the jet around into a tight turn to the left. Light AAA chases me across the sky, but it isn’t that bad actually (whew!).

Reset Windows Password Standard there. The radar warning receiver is chirping a bit but no missiles have launched on me. The bombs hit with a satisfying “ker-thunk” and more of light up the battlefield. The explosion and subsequent mushroom cloud is awesome and the dark smudge can be seen for miles wafting over the airfield.

This time the approach looks good and I ease the Harrier down onto the deck, chop the throttle, and set the brakes. Whew – those last few minutes were the most tense of the whole mission! Scmpoo Windows 7. A glance at the fuel gauge shows about 760 lbs. Remaining – enough to have tried about one more attempt, but that’s about it. The mission debrief indicates my mission success with just under an hours worth of flying and two hits with my 1000 lb. My new Pilot Record gives the details of this fresh DiD start.

Once again, a fantastic job by the modders, aircraft designers, campaign creators, and special effects guys. There are so many people that contribute to these mods that it is impossible to name them all. Even little things like giving my AV-8B some extra smoke and the custom radio commands.they all combine to make Strike Fighters 2 an exceptionally fun game. If you have a chance to vote with your wallet and your voice, head over to and buy some of their sims. And don’t forget to encourage them to keep making stuff for the PC platform because the future looks pretty sketchy for the Strike Fighters series at the current moment. Once you have the base product, you can’t find a better place to get help and mods than the aforementioned.