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Libre Calc Web Query Rating: 3,7/5 3188votes

I'm trying to import data(numbers) from a website where these numbers consistently change(3 different numbers). So I would like to tie a macro to a button that when pressed it grabs the current data from the website open in Internet Explorer. When you Ctrl-F(in IE) and type in 'dB' the numbers are to the left of dB. The numbers I need are the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th result to the left of where dB comes up in the document search. Also these numbers may sometimes have 1 number after the decimal(so either 2 characters or 4 i.e.


34 or 34.5) and need to have each(3 values) put into their own cells. Title Edited. Helps others who are searching for solutions and increases the chances of a reply (Hagar, Moderator). Download Hotspot Shield 4.08 Elite Universal Crack Permanent Elite. A few lines of code in any programming language might be able to pull the raw data out of the html table. A tiny application in Java, Ruby or Python can do this on your mobile phone and you can use the downloaded data with anything you like. When you ask any serious programmer he would code something that does not rely on the existence of one particular big fat office suite (350 Megabyte). Receipts for the Python language: If you are in a commercial relationship with the site owners you can simply ask then for the raw data so you don't have to copy them from the web page.