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Fire Simulation Program Rating: 3,9/5 7611votes
Fire Simulation Program

Building an effective simulation program requires significant planning—deciding where the simulation center will be housed, what software will be used, what the goals of the program will be, and more. In a roundtable discussion, several fire service leaders who have implemented or are in the process of implementing simulation training share tips on executing this type of program. Following is an excerpt of the feedback from Steve Walton, division chief of training for the Henderson (Nev.) Fire Department; Tim Capehart, fire technology coordinator for Bakersfield College in Bakersfield, Calif.; Frank Odermann, assistant fire chief for the Billings (Mont.) Fire Department; and Mike Clemens, assistant chief for the Montgomery County (Md.) Fire & Rescue Service. Free Program Wwii Battle Tanks T-34 Vs Tiger Patch Fr. Briefly describe your simulation technology. Mike Clemens (MC): We use three types of simulation training: a human patient simulation lab, a driver training simulator and a command development training center, where we teach and test all our certified chiefs in incident command competencies each year as per Montgomery County, Md., regulation.

Fire Simulation

Steve Walton (SW): Our simulation program is focused on incident command functions. Our simulation technology runs commercially available special effects software using video and still images.

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Each scenario runs off of one computer with eight video cards, which send the images to separate screens where officers are stationed for the exercise. [Native Advertisement] We felt we conducted excellent task-level training situations on the training ground, but were lacking in creating a learning and feedback environment for company officers and battalion chiefs for tactical and strategic decision-making—a perfect application for a simulation program. Our department conducts a Command Training Center for all officers three times per year. The simulation program is an integral part of the officer continuing education on a monthly basis as well through “sets and reps.” The simulation program is used in the captain promotional process and is the foundation of our current impetus to create an incident commander certification program and fire quality assurance program.